AVEVA Partner Games 2024 Competition
Global Official Rules




This Contest seeks solutions to fictional scenarios based on Water, Manufacturing, Power or Miscellaneous industries, the details of which Sponsor will provide to each Participant.

  1. SPONSOR:This AVEVA Partner Games 2024 Competition (“Contest”) is sponsored by AVEVA Group Limited with a principal place of business at High Cross Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HB, United Kingdom (“Sponsor”).
  2. ELIGIBILITY:This Contest is not an open Contest. This Contest is open to employees from companies who:
    (i) have an active Partner Agreement with AVEVA prior to the beginning of the Entry Period described in Section 4 below; (ii) are of legal age in their jurisdiction of residence prior to the beginning of the Entry Period described in Section 4 below; and (iii) completed the entry requirements described in Section 5 below. Each individual who meets the eligibility requirements in this Section 2 and enters the Contest will be considered a participant (“Participant”).
    Employees, officers and directors of the Sponsor, its parent and subsidiary companies, advertising and promotion agencies and any other individuals or entities who are engaged directly or indirectly in the development of, the production, distribution or review of materials for, or the administration, execution or implementation of this Contest (collectively the “Contest Entities”) and persons in the immediate family of such individuals (spouse, parent, child, sibling, partners and their respective spouses, and foster and step-relations) regardless of where they reside, or those living in their same household (whether or not related) as any person in any of the preceding categories are not eligible to enter.
  3. AGREEMENT OF RULES: All participation in this Contest shall be governed by these Global Official Rules. By participating in the Contest, each Participant fully and unconditionally agrees to be bound to and accepts these Global Official Rules and such additional terms and conditions specific to the Contest communicated by Sponsor through the Entry Period and Contest Period. By participating, Participants further agree to be bound to the decisions of the Sponsor (and its authorized representatives), which are final and binding in all matters. By signing up for the Contest or by submitting an Entry (as defined below), Participants agree to be contacted by Sponsor with Contest related communications.
  4. ENTRY PERIOD AND CONTEST PERIOD: The first round of the Contest, Round 1, will begin on May 1, 2024, at 12:01 a.m., Pacific Day Time (“PDT”) and ends on June 5, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (“Initial Contest Period”). Sponsor’s clock/server/computer is the official time keeping device for this Contest. The Contest will include three separate rounds, each requiring a deliverable which will be outlined on the Sponsor’s website (https://www.partnergames.aveva.com). Each Participant must register and submit their entry (“Entry”) during the Initial Contest Period to be eligible to progress to Round 2 and Round 3 and therefore eligible to win a prize. Any attempt to submit an Entry after the Initial Contest Period has ended will not be accepted. Participants are solely responsible for determining the correct time zone in their respective jurisdictions. Contest Entities disclaim all liability or responsibility relating thereto.
  5. HOW TO ENTER: During the Initial Contest Period, each Participant must sign up for the Contest by visiting the Sponsor’s website (https://www.partnergames.aveva.com) and following the instructions. Each Participant must sign up during the Initial Contest Period to be eligible to win a prize. All information required for the Contest will be posted on the Sponsor’s website, including further information once the Contest progresses to Round 2 and Round 3. Each Participant must submit their Round 1 Entry by June 5, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PDT to be eligible to progress to Round 2 and Round 3 thereafter and win the prize.
    Limit one (1) Entry per Team (a Team consists of one (1) to three (3) Participants). Participants may only be part of one Team. Maximum of three Participants per Team.
    1. By submitting an Entry, Participants represent and warrant (and agree to release and indemnify Contest Entities from same) that they are eligible to enter the Contest, that their Entry is original and without the assistance of others, that their Entry does not contain material in violation of any rights of any other person or entity, and that their Entry does not violate or infringe the rights of any third party, will not constitute a violation of law, and will not bring Sponsor into public disrepute, scandal or embarrassment. A finding that the Entry submitted by a Participant is not the Participant’s Team’s own work may automatically disqualify the Participant and its Team.
    2. If requested by Sponsor, Participant shall provide evidence of the above in writing. Participant shall treat confidential all information received during the Contest and thereafter for a period of one year and as well its Entry to the Contest. Any public announcement of Participants participation in the Contest is due to prior written approval of the Sponsor but will not be unreasonably withheld.
    3. At the time an Entry is submitted, and whether or not selected as a finalist, Participants understand and agree their Entry and all content therein may be used and shared in furtherance of all Contest related purposes or for Sponsor’s internal purposes (including without limitation judging, prize fulfilment, winner verification, and public award announcements) without further compensation or review. Participants will not now nor in the future be paid for their Entry or for granting Sponsor any of these rights.
  7. USAGE RIGHTS: Without limiting the foregoing, by submitting an Entry, you also grant to Sponsor and its agents and persons acting with Sponsor’s authority, the unconditional and perpetual right to post, display, publish, use, adapt, edit and/or modify your Entry submission in any way, in any and all media, for any purpose, without limitation, and without further consideration to you. Except Sponsor nor its agents shall have the right to pursue commercial exploitation of Participant’s original intellectual property included in Participant’s Entry without first obtaining consent from Participant.
  8. JUDGING CRITERIA: Sponsor will evaluate each Entry based on the following criteria, each of which criteria section below will be weighted and have a value of one hundred (100) points:
    1. Substance vs concept (working solutions earn more points than ideas)
    2. Technical innovation
    3. Number of AVEVA products used
    4. Business value
    5. Sustainability
    1. Subject to verification of eligibility, up to fifteen (15) Teams will be selected to progress on to Round 2. From the Round 2 Teams, a minimum of four (4) Teams will be selected to compete in Round 3 at AVEVA World 2024 in Paris. One (1) winning Team as described in section 9.b. will be selected by Sponsor from all eligible Round 3 Entries received based on the above Judging Criteria to receive the final prize.)
    2. It is anticipated that the Teams progressing through each round will be notified within two (2) weeks of the round closing. The Round 3 finalist Teams will be notified on or about July 1, 2024, by email sent to each Participant and by publication at https://www.partnergames.aveva.com. Time periods may be extended or modified due to exigencies of the circumstances. Sponsor reserves the right to select fewer than the stated number of Teams to progress to Round 2 or Round 3 in its reasonable discretion due, for example, to insufficient eligible and qualified Entries.
    3. If a potential finalist Team or winner is found to be ineligible or declines to accept the prize, or Sponsor is unable to contact the potential finalist Team or winner on or within two separate attempts (one email, one telephone call), or in the event that the prize confirmation, notification, or prize is returned, ignored, not timely responded to (not later than three (3) days after notification), misdirected or undeliverable, the prize will be forfeited, and in the Sponsor’s sole discretion, the forfeited prize may be forfeited and may be awarded to an alternate potential finalist Team or winner. If the Sponsor wishes to select an alternative potential finalist Team or winner, Sponsor will do so based on the next highest score of an eligible Participant’s Team Entry. Sponsor is not responsible for any undelivered telephone calls, messages, e-mails, or any other communications, including but not limited to those that are not received because of the Participant’s or winners’ privacy or spam filter settings that may divert any notification or other Contest related e-mail to a spam or junk folder. Prize awards are subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with these Global Official Rules.
    4. The decisions of Sponsor are final in all matters relating to this Contest, including finalist or winner selections.
    5. The names of the winners will be announced on or about October 14, 2024 (“Winner Announcement Date”) at AVEVA World 2024 in Paris.
  10. PRIZES:
    1. Finalist Prizes - All Round 3 finalist Teams (of up to three Participants on a Team) will receive AVEVA World entry tickets free of charge (Each ticket valued at 1,699 Euro), valid for AVEVA World Paris 2024. Participants must arrange and cover their own visa, travel and accommodation costs for the trip.
    2. 1st prize – 1st prize winner will receive the opportunity to present their final winning solution on stage during AVEVA World 2024. They will also receive a plaque or trophy for the winning Entry. This Prize has an approximate retail value ("ARV") of fifty US Dollars (US$50).
  11. CLAIMING THE PRIZE: Each Round 3 finalist Participant will be provided with instructions to claim the free full conference pass to AVEVA World 2024, which will include registering for AVEVA World 2024 to attend Round 3 of the Contest. Finalists will be provided a 100% discount code to claim the conference pass. Finalist Teams must attend in person to compete in Round 3 and be eligible to win the overall prize. If a Round 3 finalist Team can no longer participate in Round 3 at AVEVA World 2024, they must inform Sponsor as soon as reasonably possible, and the finalist Team’s place will be offered to the next best performing Team of Round 2 finalists. If a Round 3 finalist Team does not register for AVEVA World 2024 within thirty (30) days of being offered the Round 3 finalist prize, the Sponsor reserves the right to offer its Round 3 finalist prize to the next best performing Team of Round 2 finalists.
  12. CANCELLATION; TERMINATION OF CONTEST: By choosing to participate in this Contest, each Participant acknowledges and agrees that Sponsor has the right, in its sole discretion, to elect not to proceed with this Contest for any reason whatsoever, and in such event, a Participant will not be entitled to any remedy whatsoever.
    1. This Contest is void where prohibited or restricted by law.
    2. Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or the Sponsor website; violates the Global Official Rules, or acts in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. Additionally, Participants who copy or use external sources not authorized by Sponsor to complete their submissions will be disqualified.
    3. Contest Entities are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by website users, human error, tampering, hacking or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest and assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, incompatibility, communications failure, theft, loss or destruction of Entries, nor for the failure to capture Entry or other information. Contest Entities are not responsible for injury or damage to Participants’ or to any other person’s computer and/or mobile device related to or resulting from downloading materials from or use of any Website. If, for any reason, the Contest or any element thereof is not capable of running as planned by reason of, but not limited to, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, force majeure, technical or other failures or errors, or any other causes similar or dissimilar which Sponsor deems, in its sole opinion, could corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of this Contest or any element thereof, Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest or element thereof and select the winners from non-suspect, eligible entries received prior to the action or as otherwise may be deemed fair and equitable by Sponsor. In the event of any discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency, printing or any other error or miscommunication in any communications, announcements, advertising and/or promotional materials relating to this Contest, these Global Official Rules shall govern.
    4. Sponsor shall have no responsibility or obligation to a winner who is ineligible for a prize or is unable to or who does not accept or utilize a prize, for any reason.
    5. Prizes are awarded “as is” without any express or implied warranty or guarantee from Sponsor, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Only the prizes as described herein are available to be awarded; in no event will the Contest Entities be responsible for awarding more or different prizes than stated herein. Despite the foregoing, Sponsor in its sole discretion can substitute a prize or any part thereof with a prize of equal or greater value.
    6. This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google or any other social media or similar platform. Participants understand that all information is being provided to Sponsor and not to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google or any other social media where this Contest may be advertised. Sponsor is not responsible for practices, terms or actions taken by any of these or other social media and web services sites.
    7. Sponsor agrees to grant, and Participants agree to accept the non-exclusive, limited, license to use the licensed program (“Program”). The Program is each program furnished by Sponsor in object code format to Participant and includes all supporting materials. The Program is the sole and exclusive property of the Sponsor. The Program is provided by Sponsor for the express purpose of the Contest and shall not be used for any commercial purposes. Participants shall only use the Program during the Contest Period. Participants shall not, without Sponsor’s prior written consent, (i) copy, modify, sublicense, loan, or transfer in any manner the Program; (ii) create derivative works based on the Program; or (iii) subject the Program to translating, decompiling, disassembling, reverse assembling, reverse engineering, emulating, or performing any other operation on the Program unless the operation is specifically authorized by law. Participants shall hold the Program licensed herein in strict confidence and will not allow third parties to access or use the Program without Sponsor’s prior written consent.
  14. PRIVACY: All personal information submitted in connection with this Contest will be treated in accordance with all applicable privacy laws, these Global Official Rules and Sponsor’s Privacy Policy, which may be amended from time to time and is currently located at Privacy Policy | Legal | AVEVA.
  15. INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: Participants shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Sponsor and its affiliates and all of their and their officers, directors, contractors, agents, agents and employees (the “Indemnified Sponsors”) from and against any and all claims made by third parties against Indemnified Sponsors if such claims arise out of or are related to the following: (a) Participant’s use of the Sponsor’s information, including the Program, in a manner that violates the Global Official Rules or any applicable law or regulation; (b) Participant’s Entry; and (c) a third party’s allegation that Participant’s Entry and content infringes or violates any intellectual property rights of any third party or are intended to misappropriate such rights. The foregoing shall apply irrespective of whether such damage is caused by the conduct of the Participant or by the conduct of third parties using the Participant’s Entry and content. Sponsor is not liable for any unlawful usage of the Participant’s Entry and content.
  16. ADDITIONAL TERMS: In case of dispute as to the identity of any Participant, entry will be declared made by the authorized account holder of the email account used to enter the Contest. “Authorized Account Holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to the email account issued by the email service provider responsible for assigning the email addressed used. Any potential winner may be requested to provide Sponsor with proof that such winner is the Authorized Account Holder of the email address used to enter the Contest. The sufficiency and type of such proof is subject to Sponsor’s sole discretion.
  17. FORCE MAJEURE: Contest Entities shall not be liable to Participants, winners or any other person or entity for failure to execute the Contest, or supply a prize or any part thereof, by reason of any act of God, any action(s), regulation(s) order(s) or request(s) by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity (whether or not the action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) prove(s) to be invalid), equipment failure, terrorist act, cyber-attack, earthquake, war, fire, flood, explosion, unusually severe weather, hurricane, embargo, labor dispute or strike (whether legal or illegal), labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot, cancellation or delay of any event, or any similar or dissimilar event beyond their reasonable control.
  18. DISCLAIMERS: All rights related to the Entries shall vest in Sponsor. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, or misdirected email, or telecommunication or hardware or software failures, including by reason of any bug or computer virus or other failure. Sponsor may cancel, modify, or terminate the Contest (including winner selection and prizes) without prior notice if it is not capable of completion as planned, including by reason of infection of computer virus, tampering, unauthorized intervention, force majeure or technical difficulties of any kind.
  19. GOVERNING LAW: These Global Official Rules and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Each party irrevocably agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of London, England over any claim or matter arising out of or in connection with these Global Official Rules (including non-contractual disputes or claims) or the legal relationships established by these Global Official Rules.
  20. SEVERABILITY: The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of these Global Official Rules shall in no way affect the validity, legality, or enforceability of any other provision hereof. Any invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision shall be deemed severed from these Global Official Rules and the balance of these Global Official Rules shall be construed and enforced as if these Global Official Rules did not contain such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision.
  21. WINNERS LIST: The Winner will be announced during AVEVA World 2024. Winner(s) name(s) will be posted on the Contest web page no later than two weeks after the end of the Contest.
  22. CONTEST LANGUAGE: Contest language is the English language (British or American spelling is accepted).