
Energize the next generation

Across AVEVA City, a piercing glow illuminates all that is innovative and progressive in this modern metropolis.

At the core is a sustainable, scalable, and adaptable power supply infrastructure.

Things evolve rapidly in AVEVA City – nothing stays the same for long here. And as the winds of change blow through the city’s streets, the need for specialist technological expertise is abundantly apparent.

Keep the city lights on

Instinctively, you follow the radiant beam of light deep into the urban interior – and find yourself in the beating heart of AVEVA City. You’ve arrived in the Power District.

Here, you learn that you have much to offer. Your knowledge and expertise in the complexities of modern information systems, contemporary methods and state-of-the-art technologies stun the plant operators.

As such, you are the potential game changer AVEVA City’s Power District has been waiting for.

The global energy sector faces myriad challenges and AVEVA City is no exception. If you choose this challenge, you need to consider:

Power District

Tough net zero targets

Cutting emissions is a non-negotiable in AVEVA City.

Service disruption and security threats

Over 250 million people have felt the effects of major power outages in the last year alone.

Labor disruption

Over 25% of AVEVA City’s energy sector workforce is 55 years or older.

The road ahead

Preparing AVEVA City’s Power District for the future will be no easy task, but remember the noble purpose behind it. While striving for the AVEVA Partner Games Ultimate Victor prize, you’re also helping to secure the greater good when you regenerate an entire city’s power supply.

Round 2 – The AVEVA League of Champions

You’ve made it this far - you and your fellow teammates are truly exceptional. But you’re not done yet. AVEVA City presents you with one final challenge. And you’ll be up against fellow District Champions. The Ultimate Victor prize is in sight. Take heart, however, because:

  • You’ll learn the nature of the final challenge and compete in the final round at AVEVA World 2024 in Paris in October.
  • You’ll be assigned an AVEVA technical expert from the HMI/SCADA or PI environment who will be your mentor for your final challenge.
  • We will help you maximize the PR opportunities of your achievement.

Remember, your solution must use an AVEVA product from Operations Control or AVEVA PI (full list here) and AVEVA Historian or AVEVA PI for data storage

Your solution must use at least two (2) AVEVA components: AVEVA Historian or AVEVA PI, and one additional component from the list provided.

What you’ll be judged on